Monday, August 2, 2010

Welcome Wild Wild West

1st pic is obviously the hirushiku girls..peace signs all over the place!

Sat. July 24th was disco night again. As you can see the theme was 'cowboy'. I knew from before I came here but all I brought was my cowboy hat. Other counselors had plaid shirts..shierif badges. whatever.

Anyways, this disco at least for me wasn't as fun, the novelty had worn off. Also, the japanese are alot more nature. They don't dance too much. I've come to learn they love Avril Lavigne while they have no idea who rhianna is.hahah..some of them. obviously others are much more western-ized.
this is the end of the 3rd week..getting physically tired from such long days..and mentally tired of trying to speak english and not being understood.

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